It has been 7 days since the day (December 3, 2008), since the rug has been swept from under me. Due to the tumultuous economy and work woes as of late, I am using the month of December to get back on track, and to help others that may need an extra leg to stand on. Eventhough I am currently jobless with dwindling funds, I think its important to support the people around you. This way, they will supposrt the people around them, then pretty soon the weighing economy wont seem so bad. I believe if everyone just gives a hand to 1 person besides themselves, we will have a tighter knit community & a support group like nothing you've ever seen.
I was talking with a friend maybe a year & some odd months ago, & he was telling me that the perception of American people have been rather cold. Or maybe "cold" is the wrong word. He described it more like we were a shell of a person.. hollow. Like they'll meet the shell friend in hopes of soon connecting with the inner friend, only to be disappointed. From experience I understand what he says. I, for one, do not open my heart & soul to friend until i am completely sure they are not a double crosser. Kinda grim when you think about it right? Us as Americans tend to keep ourselves guarded, as to not fall victim to the theif of lies. But from an American's point of view (my own), I have many experiences where I'll meet a new friend & we seem to hit it off perfectly! Then a few keeys or few short months later, they turn their back on you for no reason...without explaination..nothing! I have tried to come to the conclution that this means i have offended them & they wont tell me that bc they dont like confrontation, but instead will just pretend i never existed. How Rude! :( ANyhoo, the point of me bringing this up is bc we as a ppl need to understand that we all need each other to survive. If everyone would stop being selfish for a long enough moment to split your bread in half & give it to a friend, we would develop a living place as tight as the Dickens!!!
So I have a plan to use up this December month as follows:

1. Paint to my hearts desire! Its been a while since I've been able to sit down w/ my oils and a freshly made frame & muslin. Maybe I'll start w/ portraits first? I'm sure the ppl around here wont mind the free gift..
2. Work on installation artwork (sculptures, vinyl wall stickers, mobiles, etc..) I really want to find out how I can work holographic images into the mix. NO, not holography, where you use layers of LED paper to make a picture look 3D, but actual moving holographic video. Alexander McQueen & Deisel made their own for the fashion world last year. Now its the end of this year & no sign of such things in the entertainment industry just yet. If anyone were to use it on their next tour, it would have to be Nine Inch Nails! Or at least that's who I'd want it to be.. But how much does this thing cost? & can I get a sponsor? & what programs can I use??? I WANT TO GET STARTED RIGHT AWAY!!!
3. Perfect portfolio and/or sew samples for portfolio. Concentrate on my own line. Not that there's much to concentrate on just yet, but I would at least like to hone in on the direction that I think it should go.. I need to develop the identity of my customer, then design the shit out of her.. but I need a muse..

4. Purchase laptop so that i can apply design applications as well as music applications for Freelance work. There's just gotta be a cheaper/easier way to get a mac for this...but i may have to settle down for a PC...according to my dad.. :(

Eh, so i guess I better get off of here & hop to it!
I was talking with a friend maybe a year & some odd months ago, & he was telling me that the perception of American people have been rather cold. Or maybe "cold" is the wrong word. He described it more like we were a shell of a person.. hollow. Like they'll meet the shell friend in hopes of soon connecting with the inner friend, only to be disappointed. From experience I understand what he says. I, for one, do not open my heart & soul to friend until i am completely sure they are not a double crosser. Kinda grim when you think about it right? Us as Americans tend to keep ourselves guarded, as to not fall victim to the theif of lies. But from an American's point of view (my own), I have many experiences where I'll meet a new friend & we seem to hit it off perfectly! Then a few keeys or few short months later, they turn their back on you for no reason...without explaination..nothing! I have tried to come to the conclution that this means i have offended them & they wont tell me that bc they dont like confrontation, but instead will just pretend i never existed. How Rude! :( ANyhoo, the point of me bringing this up is bc we as a ppl need to understand that we all need each other to survive. If everyone would stop being selfish for a long enough moment to split your bread in half & give it to a friend, we would develop a living place as tight as the Dickens!!!
So I have a plan to use up this December month as follows:
1. Paint to my hearts desire! Its been a while since I've been able to sit down w/ my oils and a freshly made frame & muslin. Maybe I'll start w/ portraits first? I'm sure the ppl around here wont mind the free gift..
2. Work on installation artwork (sculptures, vinyl wall stickers, mobiles, etc..) I really want to find out how I can work holographic images into the mix. NO, not holography, where you use layers of LED paper to make a picture look 3D, but actual moving holographic video. Alexander McQueen & Deisel made their own for the fashion world last year. Now its the end of this year & no sign of such things in the entertainment industry just yet. If anyone were to use it on their next tour, it would have to be Nine Inch Nails! Or at least that's who I'd want it to be.. But how much does this thing cost? & can I get a sponsor? & what programs can I use??? I WANT TO GET STARTED RIGHT AWAY!!!
3. Perfect portfolio and/or sew samples for portfolio. Concentrate on my own line. Not that there's much to concentrate on just yet, but I would at least like to hone in on the direction that I think it should go.. I need to develop the identity of my customer, then design the shit out of her.. but I need a muse..
4. Purchase laptop so that i can apply design applications as well as music applications for Freelance work. There's just gotta be a cheaper/easier way to get a mac for this...but i may have to settle down for a PC...according to my dad.. :(
Eh, so i guess I better get off of here & hop to it!