So I've dedicated my entire weekend to updating my resume, working on a few portfoilio items, and filling out numerous job applications..then coupling that with The Sims all-nighter episodes multiplied by no sleep and tiny meals...... Not having a job is really getting to me.. :(
With the recent onsight of my pup needing emergency surgery, then the bills causing me to be late on my rent.. the months of June and July have been especially rough on the measly unemplyment check i've been recieving since my layoff in December. There have been so many things going on this summer.. Birthday parties, going away parties, picnics, beach trips, concerts...even FREE events i've had to miss bc i cant afford a train ticket (for those of us NYers w/o a car or a liscense, you feel me?).. I mean, even the simplest things like Shampoo, and a loaf of bread (for crying out loud!) have been hard to come by.. But now that i'm all paid up with rent, and a couple new roomies that would allow rent to drop about $100 bucks, has shown me the light! Well, to relieve that little crunch of stress, hopefully one of these jobs will come through with at least an interview..

For the past couple months i havent been motivated to do anything, job
search wise, bc i've just been so fustrated. I've been even contemplating relocation, if it just meant I'd be able to afford a proper amount of groceries.. Instead of getting, "Bread, milk, eggs....." Counts change, "How much do you charge for half a dozen?" Its been rediculous these days.. and i've totally taken the ablility to order food delivery for granted. There have been so many nights where i'd have horrible cravings for Domino's hot wings and shrimp tacos with tomato, lime and cilantro.. oh man! Haha.. maybe this is my system weening itself from the addiction of fast food.. Well, the tacos would be kinda healthy if the shells werent deep fried...and if the tortillas were made of corn, not flour :P But thats besides the point. I guess I'm just so used to living this simple life, where i could afford a train ticket bc there's actually money in my account (in the 'to drink & party or whatever" category).. but thats my thing. I like to hang out with my friends and eat and drink with them.."To drink and be merry", i live for this! But I cant believe that I have to budget weather it would last longer to get a 5 lb bag of potatos or a 10 lb bag of rice..
Condements have been very important component to the home menu these days.. a little hot sauce on a scrambled egg and bowl of rice works wonders for the tastebuds. makes you believe your meal actually has depth..hah. But that makes me question the cost of living.. Common sense would tell you if your economy is down, you're going to have to lower the price of your good. But there's now talks of an inflation? Really?? I mean, really. Its insanity.
Ehh, this is SO NOT working out.. I'll even teach English in Japan for crying out loud! But this is beyond realizing theres no jobs, but maybe jobs will open in a few weeks. This is the unemployment rate is on a steady rise and NY's unemployment offices have extended the payouts twice in one year, and i'm still hearing of being laid off in large numbers. Hell, 2 weeks ago a friend (and brief co-worker) told me the department that i was working for was completely shut down. Not a couple more layoffs, but the whole. fucking. department. What am i supposed to do with that? How am i supposed to process this??
::calm down::
Anyway, that's where I'm at right now..
With the recent onsight of my pup needing emergency surgery, then the bills causing me to be late on my rent.. the months of June and July have been especially rough on the measly unemplyment check i've been recieving since my layoff in December. There have been so many things going on this summer.. Birthday parties, going away parties, picnics, beach trips, concerts...even FREE events i've had to miss bc i cant afford a train ticket (for those of us NYers w/o a car or a liscense, you feel me?).. I mean, even the simplest things like Shampoo, and a loaf of bread (for crying out loud!) have been hard to come by.. But now that i'm all paid up with rent, and a couple new roomies that would allow rent to drop about $100 bucks, has shown me the light! Well, to relieve that little crunch of stress, hopefully one of these jobs will come through with at least an interview..
For the past couple months i havent been motivated to do anything, job
search wise, bc i've just been so fustrated. I've been even contemplating relocation, if it just meant I'd be able to afford a proper amount of groceries.. Instead of getting, "Bread, milk, eggs....." Counts change, "How much do you charge for half a dozen?" Its been rediculous these days.. and i've totally taken the ablility to order food delivery for granted. There have been so many nights where i'd have horrible cravings for Domino's hot wings and shrimp tacos with tomato, lime and cilantro.. oh man! Haha.. maybe this is my system weening itself from the addiction of fast food.. Well, the tacos would be kinda healthy if the shells werent deep fried...and if the tortillas were made of corn, not flour :P But thats besides the point. I guess I'm just so used to living this simple life, where i could afford a train ticket bc there's actually money in my account (in the 'to drink & party or whatever" category).. but thats my thing. I like to hang out with my friends and eat and drink with them.."To drink and be merry", i live for this! But I cant believe that I have to budget weather it would last longer to get a 5 lb bag of potatos or a 10 lb bag of rice..
Condements have been very important component to the home menu these days.. a little hot sauce on a scrambled egg and bowl of rice works wonders for the tastebuds. makes you believe your meal actually has depth..hah. But that makes me question the cost of living.. Common sense would tell you if your economy is down, you're going to have to lower the price of your good. But there's now talks of an inflation? Really?? I mean, really. Its insanity.
Ehh, this is SO NOT working out.. I'll even teach English in Japan for crying out loud! But this is beyond realizing theres no jobs, but maybe jobs will open in a few weeks. This is the unemployment rate is on a steady rise and NY's unemployment offices have extended the payouts twice in one year, and i'm still hearing of being laid off in large numbers. Hell, 2 weeks ago a friend (and brief co-worker) told me the department that i was working for was completely shut down. Not a couple more layoffs, but the whole. fucking. department. What am i supposed to do with that? How am i supposed to process this??
::calm down::
Anyway, that's where I'm at right now..
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